Nick's Notes - May 2021 - Snowsports Industries America

Industry News

Nick’s Notes – May 2021

May 20, 2021 | 0 Comments

May 20, 2021

Dear SIA Member:

I hope you are getting a chance to get outside and enjoy this spring weather.

As we see a glimmer of light at the end of the COVID tunnel, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and applaud the resilience and adaptability the industry demonstrated this past season. This season exemplified our collective ability to create opportunities out of adversity.

The same holds true for SIA. As I look back on this past year, I must give props to my team for changing course midstream and developing the tools and resources necessary to help guide our members through not only these challenging times but well into the future. Here are some highlights of SIA’s achievements this past year:

  • Education: SIA hosted over 6,000 industry attendees at over 70 virtual education events spanning such important growth topics as inclusion, climate, business innovation, participation, retail and more, which are all still available on demand.
  • Consumers: In an effort to directly connect our members with consumers, SIA kicked off, an inclusive, digital portal for the winter outdoor lifestyle and culture; and just launched exhibitor registration for the much anticipated in-person Snowbound Festivals that will take place this November in Denver and Boston. With over 80% of the consumers we surveyed ready to attend in-door events this fall, Snowbound can’t come soon enough!
  • Inclusion: SIA led the winter outdoor industry in taking action on inclusion. Over 2,000 people from across the industry joined 14 frank and thought-provoking Town Halls on inclusion. In addition, we introduced the Inclusive Leadership Playbook – Tips, Tools, and Tactics for Inclusive Leadership in the Winter Outdoor Industry; and a 6-month self-guided inclusion training plan in an effort to enable and empower our members to create positive change.
  • Advocacy: We launched ClimateUnited, our climate action platform that unites the winter outdoor community to take meaningful action on climate change and the ClimateLab, which provides a valuable framework, resources and tools for SIA members to begin or continue their climate journey.
  • Insights: In addition to our highly sought-after annual Winter Participation Report, we delivered a one-of-a-kind report on the anticipated Impacts of COVID-19 On Snowsports Consumers last fall to better help our members prepare for the coming season. In the coming weeks, we will issue a follow-up report to gauge the impacts that COVID actually had on winter enthusiasts, as well as their thoughts on the coming season.
  • Community: Starting next week, we are kicking off a series of regional Listening Sessions to bring together voices from across the industry to talk about some of the most pressing issues and opportunities that face the industry. Please join us!

As we start a new membership year on June 1, SIA remains fully committed to the success of our members and the vitality of the winter outdoor industry. We look forward to a new year with new opportunities to serve you.

We hope you will join us again this year.

Thank you,


Nick Sargent, SIA President

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