Industry + Intelligence #SIAintel | January 27, 2016. from SnowSports Industries America on Vimeo.
NSAA President Michael Berry will present NSAA State of the Industry: 2015/16, providing a view of the current state of the snow sports industry including snow sports demographics, financial performance metrics, visitation trends, and operational best practices. “The commitment that SIA and NSAA have made to work together to share research is intended to allow all segments of the ski and snowboard industry to benefit. In an increasingly complex and competitive world shared information is our first line of defense,” said Berry.

SIA Rearch Director, Kelly Davis Presenting at the SIA Snow Show
Other highlights from Industry + Intelligence include SIA Research Director Kelly Davis’ ever-popular category-specific Market Overviews; Know your Customer to Keep Your Edge Online, presented by Jay Atkinson of Blue Acorn; and Key Lifecycle Marketing Tactics that Drive Revenue, presented by Jim Davidson of Bronto.
The educational opportunities continue throughout the Show, with seminars that cover marketing, research, production, trends and sales. Take the time now to browse the current 2016 SIA Snow Show Seminars and Clinics schedule. Each seminar is designed to touch upon informative key tools for your business, staff and branding. Some highlights include Best Practices in Retail Training for Maximum Sales, Presented by Simon Turner of Myagi, and the Panel discussion at I+I Live: Branded Content – How to Stay Authentic and Sell Out at the Same Time.

Joe Blair, of the Rogers Corporation, will present Creating the Next Revolutionary Product
Seminars will also be presented at Sourcing Snow, where production personnel and designers can find ideas and inspiration to go along with the new technology in raw materials they’ll find there. Joe Blair of the Rodgers Corporation, will be presenting the seminar Creating the Next Revolutionary Product. “When it comes to building protective gear, the perception for years has generally been bigger is better. We challenge this old school thinking by going outside the box to look at science and bio-mechanics to design products which are smaller, lighter and even provide better protection,” he said.
Other highlights on the production and design track include Trademarks: Your Idea is Legit and it Deserves Protection, presented by Merchant and Gould, and Protection – US vs. The World, Presented by Philip Matthews, JP Webb.
The Special Events Calendar is also filling up with more events every day. Mark your planner for the Protect Our Winters Breakfast on Friday, January 30. This can’t-miss event always features an incredible speaker who will bring the crowd up to date on the latest climate change issues and POW’s recent endeavors.

Last year’s Protect Our Winters (POW) Breakfast at the SIA Snow Show
The 7th annual SOS Hockey Shootout is scheduled forThursday, January 28 at the Pepsi Center, directly after the Avalanche game. Come cheer on your favorite industry skaters as they compete for bragging rights and to benefit SOS Outreach. Stay tuned for ticket information!
Another great event to look out for is the 5th Annual Winter on the Rocks, on Friday, January 29 at 7pm, featuring Adventure Club and Big Grams. This is the only winter concert at Denver’s iconic outdoor concert venue, and is an experience not to be missed! Get your tickets now.
If you have an event you’d like to list on the Snow Show Events calendar, in the Snow Show Daily and on the SIA Snow Show App, please fill out the Special Event Form.
The 2016 Snow Show website is being updated constantly with new events and seminars, so check back frequently and stay on top of the latest news about #SIA16 by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.