Snow Sports Participants Numbers Increased in 2014/2015 - Snowsports Industries America

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Snow Sports Participants Numbers Increased in 2014/2015

July 31, 2015 | 0 Comments

The preliminary results of the 2014/2015 Participant Survey are in! The preliminary data shows increases in every snow sports discipline except for a small decrease in cross country skiing. There was a 4% increase in the number of snowboarders this season. The number of downhill skiers who identified themselves as “freeskiers” who say they primarily ski in the park and pipe and on natural and manmade features increased by 10% to 4.5M. The number of downhill skiers who identified themselves as alpine skiers also increased by 4% overall. Even snowshoe numbers were up. 


We will publish the new participant data in full this October and by category in the Intelligence Report that will be released in September. For more information about snow sports participant numbers, please contact Kelly Davis, SIA’s Research Director at [email protected].

Source: SIA Participant Data 2008/2009 to Preliminary 2014/2015
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