World leaders have marked the mid-way point in the climate change negotiations in Paris, as they begin the final push for a new global climate compact. The international negotiations, known as COP21, produced a draft on Saturday that was signed by 184 governments detailing plans to cut their domestic emissions after 2020. Those pledges are expected to make up the core of a new accord, which could be signed next weekend.
Protect Our Winters has been in the thick of the action in Paris, representing the winter sports community. POW Riders Alliance members Gretchen Bleiler and Brody Leven are joining international POW members and global sports industry leaders to speak about the importance of curbing global emissions. 
Gretchen Bleiler (left), Gina McCarthy (middle), Brody Leven (right)
Bleiler and Leven spoke with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy over the weekend, who said, “I’m so proud of POW. The importance of what you’re doing back home and here in Paris cannot be overstated. It’s just unbelievable.”
Today, Bleiler and Leven participated in the first day of the three-day-long Sustainable Innovation in Sports Symposium (SIIS), organized by Climate Action, with the patronage of the French Sports Ministry and in association with the Green Sports Alliance. It brings together leaders from governments, U.N., sports leagues, teams and governing bodies along with corporate sustainability leaders.

Gretchen Bleiler speaks at Green Sports Alliance panel
Climate Action’s Claire Poole laid out the organization’s hopes for SIIS, saying it “will highlight the unique opportunity that sport offers to the wider climate change effort.”
The goal is to capitalize on momentum already building in the space, of which POW is a huge part. “The number of people engaged in the world of sport and the passion and commitment of those people is unrivaled,” Poole said. “To drive positive change towards a more sustainable world through sport, as all of our speakers are doing, is truly inspirational.”
Bleiler participated in a panel discussion over the weekend with the Green Sports Alliance, which highlighted the global sports industry. Green Sports’ president, Allen Hershkowitz said, “The panel demonstrates that the global sport industry is one of the world’s most powerful economic sectors and arguably the most visible, is helping to lead that cultural shift towards ecologically smarter behavior.”
Gretchen Bleiler (left) and Allen Hershkowitz (right)
To get daily updates on POW’s COP21 activities in Paris, including video clips of Leven and Bleiler speaking with EPA Administrator McCarthy in Paris, follow POW on Twitter.
For an overview and a better understanding of the issues at stake, follow #COP21 and visit BBC News COP21 Live Updates.

Read our posts about POW’s activities leading up to COP21, including a link to the letter POW delivered to the White House signed by SIA, NSAA and more than 200 other snow sports community members, assuring him of our support in Paris.
#COP21 #ActOnClimate @GinaEPA @ProtectWinters @GretchenBleiler @brodyleven