Did you know that SIA has over 30 non-profit members dedicated to promoting winter sports? If you did, congrats. If you didn’t, that’s okay, because we’ll be highlighting these members in our new Snow Source non-profit member spotlight series.
I had the opportunity to catch up with SheJumps’ executive director, Claire Smallwood, to learn a little more about their cause.

How does your non-profit fit into the winter sports market?
SheJumps has strong roots in the winter sports world. As co-founders, the three of us (myself, Lynsey Dyer, and Vanessa Pierce) all found our passion for the outdoors through skiing. As we branch out into other seasonal sports, we find that the winter sports market has a wonderful place for the growing number of women in the outdoors. SheJumps belongs in the winter sports market as a home base!
Tell us about your future goals and initiatives?
SheJumps has a goal of creating a one-for-one model of outdoor initiatives that benefit the next generation of girls who are under 18. The individual participating in an outdoor education, Get the Girls Out! event, or Community Initiative directly influences the opportunity for a girl to participate in a free Wild Skills day camp to learn all-season outdoor survival skills. SheJumps also has a goal to create sustainability initiatives that influence how we interact with our environment, and how we can mobilize the outdoor community to be better outdoor stewards.
Do you have partnerships i.e. brands, resorts, athletes, etc.? How have they helped with your exposure?
We have amazing official partnerships with the following outdoor industry companies: Big Agnes, EcoLips, Kate’s Real Food bars, Avatech, Little Red Wagon coffee, Soul Poles, and Lilypond. Through these partnerships we are able to create value for our event participants and supporters through product and discounts. We also work to fundraise through donations of products from these companies and we are beginning to work with a number of trip providers such as Chasing Epic, Trail Mavens, and PowderQuest. The idea is to find companies who give back to SheJumps and foster a positive and supportive environment for women to get outside. There are other companies with whom we partner that also find ways to give back, but are not program-specific partners, including C4 Belts, Skida headwear, Play Hard Give Back, and the Mountain Rider’s Alliance.

With so many opportunities at the SIA Snow Show like education and networking, how do you utilize your time while there?
This year was our first year at SIA and we were overwhelmed with the amount of foot traffic that we saw the first 2 days of the show. The time spent at SIA is a fine balance between having a strong floor presence and carving out time for important events like the OIWC’s Keynote Awards.
Now that the season is coming to an end, what are SheJump’s plans for this summer?
This summer we are focusing on our Wild Skills initiative, a free day camp for girls under 18 to learn all-season outdoor skills. Our Wild Skills initiative started in Seattle but we are tirelessly working to expand it across the country. Also, be on the look out for more fly fishing events and a special emphasis on wilderness first aid.
Tell us something that we may not know about your cause.
Our media presence is growing, which may make us seem like a big nonprofit, but SheJumps is run almost entirely by volunteers. There is one part-time paid staff member–the executive director–and nearly 50 volunteers who range from Regional Directors to Ambassadors across the country. These people donate countless hours of their time to make an impact in their communities through SheJumps programs.
Want to get involved with SheJumps? Contact one of their regional coordinators.