Leadership for Transformation: A Workshop Series for 21st Century Leaders - Snowsports Industries America

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Leadership for Transformation: A Workshop Series for 21st Century Leaders

(Past) September 21, 202112:00pm MT

Leadership for Transformation: A Workshop Series for 21st Century Leaders

Over the course of the five sessions, participants will learn the importance of 21st century leadership skills and how they play a role in addressing hurdles and creating positive change within their own domains.

The five sessions run bi-weekly on Tuesdays, 12:00-1:30 PM MT from September 21 to November 16, 2021 and will cover the following topics:

  • Week 1 (9/21) – Leadership: Equip yourself to lead business and industry change with wisdom, courage, and conviction
  • Week 2 (10/5) – Climate: Climate strategies for small and medium-sized companies: achievable options for businesses
  • Week 3 (10/19) – Inclusion: Diversity is a fact; Inclusion is a choice: Inclusion guidance – “You are not alone”
  • Week 4 (11/2) – Consumer: A new mindset: meeting the consumer where they are
  • Week 5 (11/16)– Community Building: How to be an Effective Change Leader


Fine print:

  • 5 session commitment meeting bi-weekly starting September 21
  • 90-minute sessions
  • Zoom meetings, camera on, ready to participate
  • Participation is limited
  • Each session will focus on a specific topic led by an expert
  • No cost for SIA members; $750 for non-members