Through SIA membership, companies make the principles and practices of inclusion central to their businesses.
Building an inclusive winter industry is not just a moral imperative, it’s a business imperative. The future growth of our businesses and our industry depends on creating an inclusive winter community, where new-comers and the core alike feel welcome, acknowledged, and appreciated. SIA, in conjunction with our Inclusion Committee, is committed to charting a path for positive industry change that includes frank conversations, member education, leadership and business tools, and industry-wide collaborations.
SIA has a variety of inclusion resources for our members to access to make inclusion central to all they do, including:
The Fresh Tracks Playbook, an inclusive leadership training guide for industry leaders on their journey to a more inclusive winter outdoor community
SIA social communities where members can access and share inclusive best practices, tap into other members, network with colleagues, team up with other trusted winter outdoor industry leaders and lean into industry experts
Town Halls and webinars on various inclusion topics
Educational resources including videos and articles
Inclusion Resources can all be found in the Member Portal.