We’re excited to see everyone at Copper Mountain on February 4-5.
To make your trip as easy and productive as it can be, we’ve highlighted six important things you need to know.

Most Important. Register!
If you haven’t registered yet, please do it now. It’s quick and easy and will save you time later. Just click the link below.
And to save time once you get to Copper, stop by the demo registration booth (in the front lobby) during the OR Snow Show to pick up all of your credentials in advance.

Reserve Your Lodging!
If you don’t have a room yet, do it now! Call (866) 861-1713. Group code: 4263. Rooms start at $164.00.

Check Out The List of the 2019 Exhibitors:
We’re excited to be hosting almost 100 brands this year. Check them all out here.

Don’t Miss The Nordic Demo: Monday
The demo wouldn’t be legit without the nordic community involved. Make sure to head over to the nordic demo at the East Village Copper Mountain Resort on Monday only

Spend The Weekend Making Turns
With two days off between the end of the OR Snow Show and the On-Snow Demo, make the most of it! Copper Mountain is offering discounted lift tickets to all registered attendees of the On-Snow Demo on Saturday, February 2nd and Sunday, February 3rd for $70. If you want to take advantage of this special discount, you will be given a voucher when you pick up your badge credentials at the ORSS in Denver.

Super Bowl Sunday Karaoke Party
Show up early on Sunday for the Super Bowl and 10 Barrel beer,
and then if you’re courageous enough, you can sing for us all too!
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Downhill Dukes, Center Village