Town Hall Series - Inclusion in the Winter Industry - Creating an Inclusive Culture at Your Organization Part Two - Snowsports Industries America

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Town Hall Series - Inclusion in the Winter Industry - Creating an Inclusive Culture at Your Organization Part Two

(Past) February 11, 202112:00pm MT

Town Hall Series - Inclusion in the Winter Industry - Creating an Inclusive Culture at Your Organization Part Two

Town Hall Series – Inclusion in the Winter Industry

As part of the ongoing effort to help the winter outdoors define a path to inclusivity, this next series of town halls is focused on changes in the workplace. From hiring to marketing, we’ll spend time talking to individuals who are putting in the work and committed to change in their business. It’s time to learn about what it means to “walk the walk” of inclusive change. These sessions will focus on tactical tips and tools for our attendees in their organizations.

Organizational Culture Part Two

A strong, positive company culture means that there is a sense of belonging for all. Hear from individuals that have created an inclusive work place and how the employees and the business are benefiting from a truly inclusive environment.

Moderator: Constance Beverley, CEO, Share Winter Foundation


  • Nicholas Herrin, CEO, PSIA-AASI
  • Joe Hession, CEO, SNOW Operating
  • Miguel Reda, Diversity Lead & Employee Experience Administrator, Outdoor Gear Exchange