College, Snapchat, Wearables, Unfollowing, and Music Insights - Snowsports Industries America

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College, Snapchat, Wearables, Unfollowing, and Music Insights

May 23, 2016 | 0 Comments

 2015 was an important year in fitness technology with companies like Apple and Fitbit dominating the fitness tracking space. But those technologies are just the beginning. The next few years will see major advances in wearables and holographic headsets – technologies that will be utilized by experiential marketers.

Wearables allow consumers to learn about their body’s response to stimuli. Experiential marketers will devise ways to use wearables to measure a consumer’s reaction to their product or event experience. A central part of this evolution will be smartwatches, which will progress from a sensor device to a central hub for all wearable tech. Thus, Apple, Google, and Samsung smartwatches are likely to be part of an experiential marketer’s toolkit.

Holographic headsets provide consumers the opportunity to explore, interact, and learn by experiencing outside environments. Events and sponsors will provide consumers with holographic headsets, not to separate them from the live event they are attending, but to provide another immersive way to sample and discover a brand. To read more about the wearable tech market, see The Motley Fool.


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