With just over 40 days until the 2016 SIA Snow Show, it’s imperative to book your hotel room for the lowest rates. Some key dates have already sold out at some properties – don’t miss the opportunity to stay where you want!
Find accommodations to match your brand and style. From boutique to grand hotel, Denver has it all with many locations only minutes away from the Colorado Convention Center. Hotel blocks are now open, but availability is limited and rooms book up fast, so book early and save.

To ensure you receive our preferred rates, book your hotel rooms through the SIA Snow Show Official Housing Partner, onPeak. Rates starting at $130/night.
More on DENVER
The Denver Beer Trail
The Mile High City is often called “America’s Greatest Beer City,” and the 20 breweries on the Denver Beer Trail represent just the beginning of the adventure. The city is home to Colorado’s oldest and largest brewpubs, and more beer is produced in metro Denver than any other urban region in America. Learn more.
Must Try Restaurants
Denver is quickly gaining a reputation for its innovative, young chefs and eclectic, diverse cuisine with a western flair. There are more than 2,000 restaurants in metro Denver, from trendy gastropubs to classy tap houses. Here is a list with some of Denver’s top dining destinations. Learn more.