SIA's Statement On Anti-Racism - Snowsports Industries America

Industry News

SIA’s Statement On Anti-Racism

June 2, 2020 | 0 Comments

“Silence in the face of racism is a statement. Racism has made the world, the workplace and our industry unequal and unsafe for far too long. We stand in solidarity with the peaceful protestors who are speaking out against the systemic injustices and racism that have plagued our nation for years. We can do better.”


We can and are committed to doing better.

  • SIA will convene a committee in the coming weeks to help advise SIA’s longer term plan to incorporate inclusivity into our organization and our industry
  • SIA will include inclusivity in our educational platform for the coming years
  • SIA will make certain that our Snowbound consumer expos are platforms for inclusivity in winter outdoors
  • SIA will work with our industry partners Outdoor Industry Association and Camber Outdoors to convene organizations that represent diverse backgrounds and people of color to listen and learn what more the outdoor industry can do

We will start all of this immediately and will have more to share soon.

For more information, education and ways you can act, see below:

Black Lives Matter


Anti-Racism Resources from GoodGoodGood Co:

Justice For George Floyd Petition:

American Civil Liberties Union:

Campaign Zero to end police violence:

Op-Ed by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:

Six ways to be anti-racist, because being “not racist” isnt enough:

Unlearning racism: Resources for teaching anti-racism:

An advocacy toolkit for fair, safe and effective community policing:

Obama Foundation resources:



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