A Small- and Medium-Sized Business Approach to Climate Action - Snowsports Industries America

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A Small- and Medium-Sized Business Approach to Climate Action

(Past) March 31, 202111:00am MT

A Small- and Medium-Sized Business Approach to Climate Action
Every business in our industry can be part of the climate solution. But for some small- and medium-sized companies, tackling climate change can sometimes be a more of a challenge. At SIA, we know that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to climate change.
Please join our conversation with Darn Tough and Zeal Optics to discuss how they launched their climate work, built a strategy, and garnered buy-in. Hear what the challenges have been (and continue to be), and how they’ve refined their approach to make it work for them and the planet. If you are a small- or mid-sized company that wants a bit of keen insight and inspiration from a similarly-sized peer business, don’t miss this meaningful conversation.
Moderator:  Chris Steinkamp, Head of Advocacy, SIA
  • Matt Jacobs, Sustainability Manager, Darn Tough
  • Mike Lewis, Director of Marketing, Zeal Optics