Nick's Notes - February 2017 - Snowsports Industries America

Industry News

Nick's Notes – February 2017

February 16, 2017 | 0 Comments

Thanks to all who came out to the 2017 Snow Show and the On-Snow Demo. We were pleased with the renewed sense of energy and excitement surrounding the Show and hope you were too.  As we consider many options for the path forward, we want to hear from you! I have added the link to a Snow Show Recap Survey at the end of this email, in addition to RIGHT HERE. It’s fast and easy and will take about 5 minutes. Please take the time to fill it out. Your opinion is considered and important!

For this month’s edition of Nick’s Notes, I’m sharing my remarks from the Town Hall at the Show. I appreciate the support of those of you that were there to hear it live and want to be sure that more people get a chance to read what I had to say about the state of the industry and future for SIA.

SIA Snow Show Town Hall Address, January 28, 2017

“It’s been about a year since I came onboard and listening has been my number one priority. I’ve spend the last year meeting with members… retailers… rep groups… buyers. I’ve hosted focus groups, hopped on airplanes, made phone calls, and sent hundreds of emails.

And… yeah… some of the conversations have been difficult. But you know what stands out most? This industry is hungry to evolve. I heard that we are an industry looking for more data, better ideas, and stronger leadership. I heard members asking us to build new partnerships, get with the times, adapt to new market realities, and be more transparent.

I haven’t heard anything that sounds like SIA doesn’t matter. Just the opposite. Getting it right matters now more than ever. Because this industry isn’t easy anymore. It’s never been more important that we come together to lead the way forward. The industry needs a central voice.

So, I’ve got a simple goal: to make sure that all of your businesses are thriving. To make sure the winter industry is thriving.

The first thing we had to do was get our house in order.

We moved our offices to Park City, Utah – the heart of the snow industry.

We rebuilt our team with smart, experienced people who love the snow as much as you do, and who’ve built their careers around it.

We secured rights to hold the only winter sports show in Denver through 2030.

We’ve been talking to Outdoor Retailer, buying groups, regional rep groups, and others about how we might better meet your trade show needs at every point of the buy-sell cycle.

Our vision is clear – Help the winter sports industry thrive. Our job is to help this whole industry grow and become more profitable. Trust me when I tell you, we are not confused about what the SIA team is here to do.

The real test lies ahead. Our priorities for 2017 are simple:

#1, we took the first step toward improving this Show, and I hope you can see the changes as you walk the floor:

– New exhibit areas like Trail Gate and Winter Luxe

– We are welcome back brands that have been away the last few years, and welcoming others that are new to the show altogether

– We’ve added new winter-related categories

  • – We’re strengthening the sense of community on the floor and off, adding more ways to interact, network and get social

The Snow Show is the premier winter industry event: focused on winter business… located in a winter market… tied to on-snow demos… a gathering of the winter community. My commitment is to keep making this show better and more relevant. This should be your one, can’t miss show of the year that greatly benefits your business.

#2, we are committed to building an integrated cycle of trade shows that meet your needs for your entire line of product. We’re exploring a lot of options and we know that the Snow Show alone is not the answer. But, guys – we need to come together on this. We need to work in tandem. We need greater alignment. If we want to grow, we have to address the stresses. We can’t be afraid.

#3, We provide research that no one else offers. We have a champion with Kelly Davis. We are constantly looking at what you need to make better business decisions. And that means new research products, which will be coming later this winter.

And #4, we are getting after participation. We’re just in the early stages of that work, but we intend to pull together a coalition of resources to drive more people to the mountains and on to the snow. It’s not just about a lift ticket – it’s about getting people outside and loving winter.

If you only remember one thing from these remarks, I hope it’s this:

We can’t do it alone.

This is an industry association. SIA belongs to you. SIA succeeds or fails based on the engagement of our members. I’ve got a staff of 11. We need your support to succeed.

What does that mean?

Well, that’s up to you. Certainly, it means your investment in SIA through your membership commitment, your booth at the Show, and your engagement.

It means giving us your feedback directly, and making it constructive. There’s not a lot I can do with complaints. Give me ideas. I am super available. So is my team. Call us.

I hope it means you’re sitting on our board or a committee. There are a hundred ways to volunteer with SIA. If you’re looking for a way to get involved, just ask.

I hope it means you’re advocating for SIA with your retailers and reps. What are you doing to get more retailers here? The best way to make this show stronger is make your presence stronger and to get your customers and partners here.

If you’re as frustrated by show poachers as I am, pick up the phone and call them. Let’s turn up the heat and let’s remind those brands that the industry is under one roof.

Here’s what I’m saying. I can’t do this alone. My team can’t do it alone. We need your help. If you believe in winter… if you believe in the future of the winter industry… this is your industry association. This is your Show. This is your team.”

In closing, many of you have asked what can you do to help? Here is a list of a few things you can do right now to get more involved:

  • Be a member of SIA. Through your membership you get access to data and research that will help you make better business decisions. You are also part of the winter industry community in which we will tackle issues that face the industry as a group.
  • Join a committee. Submit your name to sit on a committee. We will be building out committees this spring. We welcome fresh ideas and perspectives!
  • We all need winter. To help ensure the snow keeps falling support Protect Our Winters (POW)
  • Love Winter. Teach kids how incredible winter is! Support the Winter Wildlands Alliance Snow School. The Snow School introduces kids K-12 the joy of exploring our nation’s winter wildlands.
  • Social Campaign. Join us in celebrating our passion and love of winter. Use #lovewinter in your social posts.

Until next month,


PS HERE IS THE LINK to the Snow Show Survey. I look forward to your feedback.

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