DIY Wednesday: Spare Tires - Snowsports Industries America

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DIY Wednesday: Spare Tires

July 8, 2015 | 0 Comments

It’s officially summer.  A lot of ski and snowboard outdoor shops sell bikes in the summer, amongst other things. 

Why not use the tire motif as inspiration for window displays? You can spray paint old tires. You can decorate bike rims with things like fake flowers intertwined in the spokes – or display biking accessories in spokes. Unfortunately sometimes bike parts are not fixable – ending up in one of my favorite places –the dumpster.

You can get super creative with such discarded bits. Who says a spare tire is a bad thing?


The white paint of the tires works well with the bright yellow cord that they are suspended from.  And the inside of the tires make a great platform for displaying items.


Bikes always look great in windows, especially when embellished with some summer flower power.


I plucked this wheel from the recycling bin!

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