Pact - Snowsports Industries America

Step One: Join The Winter Outdoor Sports Industry Climate Pact

Before we do anything, lets unite and align

Open to every winter outdoor business, the Winter Outdoor Sports Industry Climate Pact unites the industry and focuses on what matters: tackling climate change at the speed and scale it demands. In partnership with the European Winter Sports Sustainability Network, we are uniting our global industry to commit to meaningful action and collaborating on solutions.

Wind Turbine with Clouds

Winter Outdoor Sports Industry Climate Pact

Winter sports are at the front line of climate change - first affected and in the spotlight for the foreseeable future. We are also a part of the problem - our products, value chains, activities and travel. We, our customers, and the athletes we sponsor all emit greenhouse gases.
As a winter outdoor industry, we are publicly formalizing our commitment and building unity with our peers to address climate change and signal our commitment to a net-zero-carbon emissions future.
We will work along the following five principles:
  • Focusing
    all our efforts on the required greenhouse gas emission reductions, to keep global warming to 1.5°C, in line with the Paris Agreement.
  • Progressing
    our climate efforts by joining the UN Race to Zero Campaign before the end of 2024, with validated climate targets through internationally verified climate initiatives.
  • Guiding
    the industry forward in a joint effort where the more ‘climate advanced’ companies support and guide their less advanced peers.
  • Leveraging
    our influence to drive systemic change by advocating for state, national, and international climate policy.
  • Recognizing
    how our industry contributes to the climate crisis, and publicly addressing climate change as a top management priority for our business.

Unite the Industry.
Join the Winter Outdoor Sports Industry Climate Pact Here:

Why Join?

  • Exemplify our industry unity and collective leadership
  • Inspire other businesses to lead
  • Collaborate with peers on solutions
  • Participate in workshops, advocacy and get monthly climate news
  • Recognition amongst the industry, consumers, and media
  • Your consumers are asking for it

Progress Over Perfection

  • Make your best efforts to meet these principles. Don’t wait to be perfect and sacrifice real progress.
  • It’s most important to get started, and we’re here to help you take this very important first step.
  • Every Winter Outdoor Sports Industry Climate Pact signatory will be asked to complete a simple annual progress report so we can track progress, and recognize where more support is needed.

Need Help Building Your Climate Action Plan?

Learn more about The ClimateUnited Lab and the 1.5C Business Playbook here.
Free to SIA members only.

Learn More

Interested, but have questions?

Email Chris Steinkamp

SIA Head of Advocacy

[email protected]